
Bibliographic Entries Country/Region Key Terms

The World Bank. “Poor People Endure Many Struggles; New Bank Study Cites Powerlessness And Domestic Violence.” Voices of the Poor II. September 21, 2000. Web. Available online at,,contentMDK:20013280~men...

developing nations, domestic violence, dimensions of powerlessness, troubled gender relations

The World Bank. “Where is the Wealth of the Nations?” Washington, DC: The World Bank (2006). Web. Available online at

human capital, natural resources, development strategies, intangible capital, wellbeing

The World Bank. “World Bank Sees Progress Against Extreme Poverty, But Flags Vulnerabilities.” February 29, 2012. Web. Available online at,,contentMDK:23130032~pag...

extreme poverty, vulnerable populations, developing world, global poverty

Theodore Leggett. Crime and Development in Africa. Venna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2005.

Africa impact of crime on society, impact of crime on economy, impact of crime on governance

Theodore Leggett. Crime and Development in Central America: Caught in the crossfire. Vienna: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2007.

Central America, Latin America government reliability, confidence in government, weak justice system, violence effect on development/aid/economic growth

Thinking about Police: Contemporary Readings. Ed. C. B. Klockers and S.D. Mastrofski. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. (1991). Print.

police and policing, police and crime, use of force, police corruption, professionalizing law enforcement

Thom Ringer. “Development, Reform, and the Rule of Law: Some Prescriptions for a Common Understanding of the ‘Rule of Law’ and its Place in Development Theory and Practice.” Yale human rights and Development Law Journal 10 (2007): 178-208.

rule of law, development theory, development

Thomas Buergenthal. “The Evolving International human rights System.” The American Journal of International Law 100, no. 4 (2006): 783-807.

international human rights, Declaration of the International Rights of Man, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, history of international human rights movement

Thomas Carothers, ed. Promoting the Rule of Law Abroad: In search of knowledge. Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2006.

China, East Asia, Asia, Russia, Middle East, Africa, Latin America rule of law, rule of law movement, definitions of the rule of law, legal reform, legal empowerment alternative, criminal justice reform,

Thomas Carothers. "The Rule of Law Revival." Foreign Affairs 77, no. 2 (1998): 95-106.

rule of law definitions, rule of law, political will-building, donors and developmental aid, democracy, judicial/legal/structural reform, rule of law, rule of law reform, will to reform, international aid

Thomas M. Franck. “The New Development: Can American law and legal institutions help developing countries?” Wisconsin Law Review no. 3 (1972): 767-801.

domestic social welfare, role of law in development, cooperation in development, collaboration in development, lawyers as social engineers

Times of India. “ Bangalore’s 13 Richies on Forbes List.” 2011. Web. Available online at

India, South Asia wealth, income inequality, income disparity, individual wealth

Times of India. “10,000 Dollar Millionaires Here.” 2007. Web. Available online at

India, South Asia wealth, income inequality, income disparity, individual wealth

Timothy J. Gilfoyle. “‘America's Greatest Criminal Barracks’: The Tombs and the Experience of Criminal Justice in New York City, 1838-1897.” Journal of Urban History 29, no. 5 (2003): 525-553.

historical judicial systems, United States, North America, police corruption, criminal state, penal reform, judicial reform

Todd Foglesong and Christopher Stone. Measuring the Contribution of Criminal Justice Systems to the Control of Crime and Violence: Lessons from Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. Cambridge, MA: Center for International Development at Harvard University, 2007.

Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Caribbean crime and violence, criminal justice system reform, measuring criminal justice systems, reducing causes of crimes, good governance

Todd Foglesong, Zainab Latif, Cybele Merrick, Joel Miller, James Parsons, and Timothy Ross. Measuring Progress toward Safety and Justice: A global guide to the design of performance indicators across the Justice Sector. New York: Vera Institute of Justice/UK Department for International Development, 2003.

safety and security, access to justice, indicators for measuring progress (security)

Todd Howland. "UN human rights Field Presence as Proactive Instrument of Peace and Social Change: Lessons from Angola." human rights Quarterly 26, no. 1 (2004): 1-28.

Angola, Africa international law, human rights, governance, civil society, human development, human rights culture

Tom Ginsburg. "Does Law Matter for Economic Development? Evidence from East Asia." Law and Society Review 34, no. 3 (2000): 829-856.

East Asia, Southeast Asia law and economic development, social theory, law and development movement, law and development movement, Asian economic law

Tomi Ovsaka. "The Failure of Development Aid." Cato Journal 23, no. 2 (2003): 175-187.

good governance, increase development aid, economic growth, governance and developmental aid

Tor Krever. “The Legal Turn in Late Development Theory: The rule of law and the World Bank’s development model.” Harvard International Law Journal 52, no. 1 (2011): 287-319.

rule of law, economic development, legal and judicial reform, stable investment environment

Tracy McVeigh. “World Turning Blind Eye to 10 Million Child Brides Each Year, Charity Warns.” The Guardian. June 25, 2011. Web. Available online at

forced child marriage, development issues, education for girls

Transparency International. “Corruption Perceptions Index 2003.” Available online at

corruption, public attitudes of corruption

Transparency International. “Poverty and Corruption.” Working Paper 02-2008, 2008.

corruption as a regressive tax on the poor, political accountability, multi-faceted nature of poverty, corruption effect on poverty

Tugrul Gurgur. “The Political Economy of Public Spending on Publicly-Provided Goods in Developing Countries.” Unpublished PhD dissertation. University of Maryland (2005). Web. Available online at

Philippines, Southeast Asia corruption, corruption in the public sector, weak constituency in government, costs and benefits of governance, good governance, public participation

U. Ramanathan. "Displacement and the Law." Economic and Political Weekly 31, no. 24 (1996): 1486-1491.

colonial legacy

U. Zvekic and A. Alvazzi del Frate. Criminal victimisation in the Developing World. Rome: United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Institute,1995.

crime and justice, criminal reporting, measuring victimization, crime and criminal justice information

U.S. Agency for International Development. Assistance for Civilian Policing: USAID Policy Guidance. Washington, DC: U.S. Agency for International Development (2005). Web. Available online at

United States, North America civilian law enforcement, police and policing, police methods and strategies, community policing, information driven policing, democratic policing, corruption, use of force

U.S. Department of State. 2009 human rights Reports: Ethiopia. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State (2010). Web. Available online at

Ethiopia, Africa human rights, human rights abuses, physical violence, arbitrary arrest and detention, corruption, violence against women, violence against children, exploitation of children

U.S. Department of State. “Country Reports on human rights Practices.” March 31, 2003. Web. Available online at

universal human rights, human rights practices, human rights abuses, espoused standards and actual performance

U.S. State Department. "The Merida Initiative - Fact Sheet." Washington, D.C.: U.S. State Department (2009). Web. Available online at

Mexico, Central America, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Caribbean, North America law enforcement training, police training, criminal organizations, organized crime, strengthening justice institutions

U.S. State Department. “DRL Programs, Including human rights Democracy Fund (HRDF).” U.S. Department of State Archive. (2001–2009). Web. Available online at

North America, United States human rights, promoting democracy, foreign assistance, foreign aid

UK Department for International Development. "Political Economy Analysis - How To Note." Practice Paper, (July) 2009.

effectiveness of aid, political economy analysis

UK Department for International Development. Eliminating World Poverty: Making governance work for the poor. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 2006.

governance, political accountability, political will-building, relationship between conflict and poverty

UK. Department for International Development. Justice and Poverty Reduction. London: Redhouse Lane Communications, 2000.

effect of crime on the poor, effect of violence on the poor, effect of crime on economic development, efficacy of the justice system, community policing, professionalizing the police force

Ulrich Oslender. “Violence in development: the logic of forced displacement on Colombia's Pacific coast.” Development in Practice 17 no. 6 (2007): 752-764

Colombia, South America, Latin America sustainable development strategies, violence, paramilitary, externally induced violence, everyday violence

UN-HABITAT. Secure land rights for All. HS/978/08E. 2008. Web. Available online at

land rights, land access, property rights, secure land rights, poverty reduction, land rights and gender, economic and social development

UNESCO. “The Hidden Crisis: Armed Conflict and Education” Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2011. Paris: UNESCO (2011). Web. Available online at

armed conflict, armed conflict and education, human rights violations, human rights abuses

UNICEF and the World Health Organization. Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: 2012 Update. WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation. (2012). Web. Available online at

Millennium Development Goals, MGDs, sanitation and water, international development

UNICEF. “State of the World’s Children 2005.” Web. Available at

quality of life for children, child protection, children's rights, child poverty, violence against children, child trafficking, child exploitation

United Nation Development Programme. “Multidimensional Poverty Index.” Human Development Reports. United Nation Development Programme (2011). Web. Available online at

human development, human poverty, poverty /, dimensions of poverty

United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime. United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems. Web access:

crime trends, criminal justice systems, data on crimes, data on criminal justice systems

United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. "Decision of the CEDAW Thirty-Eighth Session." Communication No. 10/2005. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, June 12, 2007.

domestic violence, sexual violence, violence against women, gender-based violence

United Nations Development Fund for Women. “Fact Sheet: Violence against Women Worldwide.” New York: United Nations Development Fund for Women (2009). Web. Available online at

violence against women, discrimination against women, gender-based violence, gender inequality, gender equality

United Nations Development Programme, Democratic Governance Group Bureau for Development Policy. Democratic Governance Thematic Trust Fund 2007 Annual Report. New York: United Nations Development Programme, 2008.

good governance, human rights, gender equality, anti-corruption

United Nations Development Programme. Access to Justice. UNDP Practice Note, 2004.

access to justice, reducing poverty, justice for the poor, Millennium Development Goals, human rights-based approach, justice and human development, supporting access to justice

United Nations Development Programme. Annual Report 2008/2009: Living up to its commitments. New York: United Nations Development Programme, 2009.

human development, human security, global economy, Millennium Development Goals, democratic governance, sustainable development

United Nations General Assembly resolution 34/169, Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officers, A/RES/34/169 (December 17, 1979).

law enforcement

United Nations General Assembly, human rights Council. Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: Chad, A/HRC/12/5. October 5, 2009.

Chad, Africa human rights violations, judicial reform, children's rights, women's rights

United Nations General Assembly, human rights Council. Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review:
, A/HRC/12/11. October 5, 2009.

Vietnam, Southeast Asia, Asia women's rights, gender gap, self-determination, human rights

United Nations General Assembly. In-depth Study on All Forms of Violence against Women: Report of the Secretary-General. 61st session. 2006. Web. Available online at

violence against women, eliminating violence against women